NODE Adapter V05.xx

New PCB will be distributed soon.

New PCB (V02.05) will arrive at 04 July. So, I will test it this week end. If new pcb has not any problem, I will distribute it.

Price of New PCB (include shipping charge)

PCB(only) is $11.
PCB + programed main PIC is $21.
PCB + programed main and option PIC is $26.

Price of PIC (include shipping charge)

Right origrinal owner of V01.04 PCB
Mian pic is $11.
Main and option PIC is $16.

Your are not right original owner of V01.04 PCB.
Main PIC is $51.
Main and option PIC is $61.

Remark: This price does not include the future update fee. This version does not distribute the Hex file of PIC program. I distribute the programed PIC only. Also, new version of PIC has code proteced. So, do not modify this pic. If you do it, all data of pic erase automatically.
Last modified 07/03/2009
CopyRight © 2009 All Rights Reserved.
Satoshi Yasuda 7M3TJZ/AD6GZ